dreamstime_xxl_4047573For many high school or GED graduates, a four-year college degree may seem like the only post-secondary education option, either because they feel as if they are expected to attend or because they assume a four-year degree will equate to more job security or a higher future income. While there are many benefits of a four-year degree, this is not the only opportunity open to these graduates. Enrollment in vocational schools, or trade schools, is on the rise due to the increasing cost of traditional university studies and other factors, and there are many benefits to this option as well.

Benefits Of Attending A Trade School

Reduced Cost & Time Commitment

The average tuition cost for an in-state four-year college education is just over $9,000 per year for an estimate of $36,000 just in tuition fees for all four years. It is a rare student who can afford this type of expense out of pocket, so most students end up graduating with substantial loans they will likely be paying off for decades to come. A trade school, on the other hand, is typically much cheaper than a four-year degree and doesn’t require as much of a time commitment. At Recreational Vehicle Service Academy, our total tuition cost is roughly $6,000 for a comprehensive, 10-week program.  

Smaller Class Sizes

Whereas the average class size at a four-year college can range anywhere from 35 to 150 students, trade school instruction is typically completed within smaller class sizes. Some technical and vocational schools maintain 35-student class sizes, but classes at RVSA are capped at 25 students in order to ensure each student’s individual success.  

Discover the benefits of trade school education for yourself by training to be a recreational vehicle service technician at RVSA, or research your other vocational opportunities. Have questions about our automotive school’s courses, tuition, etc.? Please browse our site, or get in touch with us online.